Passing on wealth while alive or through a Will: Which is better?
With the average person living longer these days, many are choosing to bestow so...
What happens to your super if you divorce?
Superannuation, divorce and family law can be difficult enough to navigate on th...
Inheriting property with siblings: What are your options?
If you expect to inherit the family home from your parents, you’d be forgiven fo...
Can you inherit a family member's debt?
If a relative or loved one dies owing money, does it fall on their next of kin t...
The tough financial conversations couples shouldn’t avoid
Many people aren’t comfortable discussing money, even with their partner. But sw...
Getting your finances sorted after a divorce
For some people, the financial impact of divorce can be as devastating as the em...
14 estate planning essentials beyond your Will
One of the most important things you can do for your loved ones — and your own p...
5 traps to avoid when giving an early inheritance
Australians are living longer than they used to, and many inheritances are arriv...
Writing a Will? 4 nerve-wracking decisions you might face
A long-term plan for your finances isn’t complete without a valid Will. Done rig...
Can your super death benefit go to the wrong person?
If you were to pass away unexpectedly, you would probably want your super to go ...

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