Contact Us

Whatever your stage in life, we can help you reach your goals. Contact us now for a free initial discussion.

106 Burswood Road, Burswood
WA, 6100
PO Box 621, Victoria Park, WA, 6979

T (08) 9368 6030
F (08) 9368 5798


Contact Us

Our Location

The WMP office is easy to find. There is ample paid parking on street and at nearby Hawthorne Place. The building is also fully accessible by wheelchair.

The top reasons why clients trust WMP



Financial advice can be complex but it is the advisor's role to translate complexity. This puts you in a position to make informed decisions.


The course of life is not straight. In times of need, we are close by to help you get life back on track. And in the good times, we ensure you live life to the full.


Over nearly twenty years we have seen the pitfalls and benefits of retirement from every angle. Save the drama and learn from WMP's experience.
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