The Stage 3 tax cuts are live, what should you do with the extra money?

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The Stage 3 tax cuts are live, what should you do with the extra money?
First announced in 2018 — and given a major facelift by the Albanese Government ...
Teenager’s first job: Tips to help them manage their finances
Whether they’ve found a part-time job at the local café or are picking up shifts...
Cash poor, getting by or high net worth: What will your retirement look like?
Having a clear idea of where you stand financially is the first step to planning...
Passing on wealth while alive or through a Will: Which is better?
With the average person living longer these days, many are choosing to bestow so...
3 cognitive biases that might hindering your financial success
We make thousands of decisions each day, and a lot of those decisions happen bey...
Start the new financial year strong with this EOFY checklist
As the 2023-24 financial year winds down, many Australians are finding they have...
What happens to your super if you divorce?
Superannuation, divorce and family law can be difficult enough to navigate on th...
Inheriting property with siblings: What are your options?
If you expect to inherit the family home from your parents, you’d be forgiven fo...
5 simple metrics to gauge your financial health
How do you know if your finances are on track? Does it feel like you’re treading...
Practical tips on how to grow your money mindset
Financial educator Vanessa Stoykov offers some tips to help shift your attitude ...

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