Troy Hartley

Senior Partner

CFP®, Dip FP, Grad Dip FP, SMSF Specialist Advisor™, Accredited Aged Care Professional™
As one of the founding directors of Wealth Management Partners, Troy is also a Certified Financial Planner (Member of the FPA) specialising in the core areas of retirement planning, superannuation and investment.


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ASIC Financial Adviser/Authorised Representative Number: 000242643

Troy Hartley | MoneySmart Financial Advisers Register

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Troy is described by his clients as honest, understanding and trustworthy as well as receiving many personal referrals leading to the forming of long-term relationships with families and their siblings which he finds truly rewarding. Troy prefers to spend his weekends with his family and friends and cheering on the West Coast Eagles from his holiday home down south but in recent months some of his spare time is taken up with studying for his Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning. It is Troy’s passion to see his clients succeed and live the lifestyle they have worked hard for!

  • Member of the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) (prev. FPA & AFA)
  • Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning
  • A Certified Financial Planner (the highest designation available)
  • SMSF Specialist Advisor™
  • Member of SMSF Association
  • Registered as Tax (Financial) Adviser with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)
  • Successful completion of the FASEA Financial Adviser exam
  • Mont Partners Investment Committee Member
  • Accredited Aged Care Professional™

Leaders that listen.

At WMP we get the balance right between leading and listening. We bring a sound structure to the client experience, but you will find when you meet with any of our advisers, there is a desire to understand your world as well as we can before we advise. Understanding your journey/vision is everything.

Managing Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Financial Planner
Senior Financial Planner
Senior Financial Planner
Wealth Management Partners is an FPA Professional Practice (1)

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