Janusz Mazurek

Senior Partner

CFP®, AEPS®, SMSF Specialist Advisor, Dip FP
Janusz (pronounced Yah-nu-sh) has been working as a Financial Planner for over 20 years after completing a Graduate of the Diploma of Financial Planning and has been a Certified Financial Planner with WMP since 2003.


email icon : janusz@wealthmp.com.au

ASIC Financial Adviser/Authorised Representative Number: 000238504

Janusz Mazurek | MoneySmart Financial Advisers Register

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Janusz shares his planning solutions mostly with pre and post retirement age clients with the aim to make their lives more comfortable and worry free. Although having completed other tertiary degrees in psychology, accreditations in Estate Planning and specialised courses in Aged Care planning, Janusz prides himself on his family achievements, helping his wife to raise 4 great children and welcoming 2 grandchildren (so far!) as well as the long-term bonds of trust and professionalism that he has developed with his clients throughout his career. It’s taken a Global Pandemic to keep Janusz here in Perth for so long, normally he would be traveling the world at any chance but with the extra spare time at home he has been able to whip up some delicious desserts in the kitchen.

  • Member of the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) (prev. FPA & AFA)
  • A Graduate of the Diploma of Financial Planning
  • A Certified Financial Planner
  • Tertiary Degree in Psychology
  • Accredited Estate Planning Strategist
  • SMSF Specialist Advisor™
  • Aged Care Strategic Advisor
  • Registered as Tax (Financial) Adviser with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)
  • Successful completion of the FASEA Financial Adviser exam


Leaders that listen.

At WMP we get the balance right between leading and listening. We bring a sound structure to the client experience, but you will find when you meet with any of our advisers, there is a desire to understand your world as well as we can before we advise. Understanding your journey/vision is everything.

Managing Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Partner
Senior Financial Planner
Senior Financial Planner
Senior Financial Planner
Wealth Management Partners is an FPA Professional Practice (1)

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